Bring your cosmetics to market safely within four weeks
Nothing is more annoying than having to wait months for your product to be on the shelf. With our super fast service you can safely market your products and never compromise on quality.

“SkinConsult helps me bring my cosmetics products to market safely, really taking me by the hand so I'm successful each and every time.
Bas Pisa Founder DutchbeardsWe've brought 12.000 products to market for companies like...

Why companies like to work with SkinConsult
Without SkinConsult
- Unsafe cosmetics
- Compliance a mess
- Slow assessment process
- No overiew
- Risk of fines
With SkinConsult
- Go to market safely
- Always fully compliant
- < 4-week delivery time
- Clear overview
- No risk of fines

Lightning fast results because of our agile process
We’re 12 times faster than competitors, on average, because of our agile process. Our 4-week delivery time ensures you’ll develop prototypes and bring new cosmetics to market at top speed.

Product Information Files like never seen before
Our PIFs and documentation are the benchmark for cosmetics safety. Thanks to our in-house team of 5 assessors, we’ve not had any questions about our safety assessments for 3+ years. Even the authorities love us.

Stay compliant, proactively, with our smart notifications
We focus on the entire process: from production to aftercare. To guarantee safety and compliance, we can send you notifications when legislation is amended and your products are at risk.
Safely bring your product to market in 3 simple steps
SkinConsult goes beyond ‘approved or not approved’. We take you by the hand and make your product idea viable. This way you always make it safely to the market.
We assess your concept to find out which claims you are allowed to make. We also perform a first safety check, based on the product formula.
File compilation
Now we do a safety assessment and create a file. If necessary, we do the stability and challenge tests.
Hit the shelves!
After approval of the label, we place a product notification in the EU webportal. Now you can start selling with confidence.
"My last scent included a hint of basil. Turns out, the basil oil contained a chemical that can cause cancer. Through an initial assessment by SkinConsult I found about this early in the process. This saves me time and resources better spent developing other products."
Keep your products on the shelves and your end users safe
Your cosmetics are recalled, too, when they turn out to be unsafe. Except when you work with SkinConsult, of course.
Any questions on your side?
This depends on the amount of product information available already. This is why we divide projects into week-long sprints, to be booked in flexibly.
On average, it takes 4 week-long sprints to bring a product to market safely. The biggest bottleneck is whether shelf life has been tested yet; a shelf life test can take 2-4 months.
Don’t panic, you won’t be the first. Our team of experts is ready to help you get back on track.
For disapproved products like these we have a special fast-track services to a) find out what the problem is, b) come up with a step-by-step plan to solve the problem and c) actually fixing the problem.
We can also help you communicatie with the authorities, so you’re not going up against them alone.
As Responsible Person you are legally obliged to sell safe products. You can prove your products are save by doing a safety assessment.
This safety assessment needs to be done according to industry standards, so the authorities can check it easily.
The basic legislation is the Cosmetic Regulation. This is a European legislation that applies to all cosmetics in Europe, called EC 1223/2009.
The second important piece of legislation is the Cosmetics Claim Regulation EC 655/2013, which states what cosmetic claims may look like.
In addition to these two laws, there are also a number of other legislations that may (in)directly apply, such as the Aerosols Directive 75/324/EEC for cosmetics sold in aerosol cans.